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Header NATO IA Certificate New Format

In response to concerns raised by several Education and Training Facilities (ETFs) regarding the current format of the Accreditation Certificate, significant changes are being implemented to enhance the certificate's usability and presentation. The issues identified included the amalgamation of the certificate with the DCOS JFD Cover Letter and Evaluation Report into a single PDF file and the presence of classification labeling, which hindered the certificate’s public display. 

The NATO Quality Assurance (QA) Team of Experts recently recognized the validity of these concerns and took immediate action to address them. The solution is a redesigned certificate template featuring the "NATO Accredited Education & Training Facility" mark and improved aesthetics with added graphical borders, giving the certificate a more official and appealing appearance​​​​. 

Key Points of the New Certificate Template: 
  1. Separation of Documents: The new certificate will be issued as a standalone document, separate from the DCOS JFD Cover Letter and Evaluation Report. This change simplifies the handling and display of the certificate.

  2. Removal of Classification Labeling: To facilitate public display, the classification labeling has been removed from the certificate. This ensures that accredited institutions can proudly display their NATO accreditation without security concerns.

  3. Enhanced Design: The new template includes aesthetic improvements such as graphical borders and the approved NATO accreditation mark, enhancing the certificate’s overall visual aspect. 

Implementation Plan: 

Immediate Reissuance: All currently accredited ETFs holding certificates in the old format will receive the newly formatted certificate, ensuring consistency across the board. The process is expected to take between one and two months.

Future Accreditations: New accreditations will automatically use the updated certificate template, maintaining uniformity and coherence for future evaluations. 

Availability: The new certificates will be available for download on the QA Hub web platform under each ETF's profile page. Access to these files will be restricted only to the respective ETF's profile page manager, ensuring secure and exclusive visibility. 

The NATO QA Team of Experts is committed to continuous improvement and responsiveness to the feedback received from the QA Community of Interest. These changes reflect our dedication to maintaining high standards and facilitating the recognition, prestige and pride of accredited institutions.

NATO Institutional Accreditation Certificate Template

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