Established in 1999 by the three Baltic states—Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia—the Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) is a NATO accredited education and training facility, providing courses (levels 3 and 4) to officers, noncommissioned officers and civil servants from the Baltic states, their allies and partners.
The vision for the BALTDEFCOL is to be a modern, future-oriented, attractive and competitive English language-based international defence college with a regional focus and Euro-Atlantic scope. The College serves as a Professional Military Education institution teaching at the operational and strategic levels, applying the latest educational principles, effective management and best use of intellectual and material resources.
The Baltic Defence College (BALTDEFCOL) mission is to educate military personnel and civil servants of the Framework Nations, allies and partners while promoting multinational cooperation and networking and contributing to research in security and defence policy to meet the enduring defence and security needs of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
the military and civilian students and delivers the high-quality educational programs at an operational, joint, and strategic level in meeting our customer's requirements.
in Security and Defence Policy-related research and academic activities in the field of PME, with the main focus on Baltic Sea Region and Russia as well as have wider look and addressing the importance of the Transatlantic link for the region.
multinational cooperation by applying NATO Standards and Procedures and conducting education in English for the needs of Allied nations and partners.