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H-1134 Budapest, Róbert Károly krt. 44. Hungary
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Support to disciplines
Department Head for
Medical Support |
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The NATO MILMED COE could successfully adapt and respond to the pandemic and  the overall geostrategic situation in the last years, which speaks volumes about the dedication of its Nations and staff members, however, now they are in the proactive phase, processing the lessons of the pandemic and actively collecting the observations from today’s battlefields, transforming NATO’s medical capabilities via training, doctrine and standards development, experimentation and Force Health Protection initiatives. They are the open door of NATO for everything medical and hope to collect additional initiatives to foster NATO’s medical transformation.

The mission of the NATO MILMED COE is to support and assist the Strategic and all other levels of Commands, other NATO bodies, nations and other civil and military organizations by supporting the transformation of the Alliance and thereby improving medical support to operations and to provide subject matter expertise in the following areas:

  • Medical training, exercises and evaluation leading to certification;
  • Medical Lessons Learned and Innovation;
  • Standards development and custodianship;
  • Deployment-related health surveillance.

Who we are / What we do

NATO MILMED COE is a hub of military medical knowledge, building a reliably accessible Community of Interest within its areas of expertise. MILMED COE is an essential part of NATO’s transformation efforts by being a medical knowledge centre to the benefit of the entire Alliance. NATO MILMED COE, as a knowledge centre, remains an open institution that links military and civilian medicine together by collecting up-to-date medical knowledge and expertise from both communities, continuing to cooperate with the widest possible range of partners.

NATO MILMED COE develops and implements projects to empower superior and effective medical support services across NATO, during missions abroad and in their home countries. NATO MILMED COE unites highly experienced medical professionals, and it is composed of 5 branches: Support, Training, Lessons Learned and Innovation, Interoperability, Force Health Protection (FHP) Branch – a satellite branch located in a country other than the Framework Nation.

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QA Forum participation
Accreditation validity
Accreditation status
Unconditional accreditation
Other accreditations

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