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MSCOE`s Services Branch focused heavily on Wargaming during 2022. The institution continues to maintain our Wargaming Interactive Scenario Digital Overlay Model (WISDOM), which is a very powerful solution available to support Wargaming activities. In 2022, the MSCOE contributed to the development of the NATO Audacious Wargaming Capability. This includes support to NATO Science and Technologies research teams and participation in the Wargaming Initiative for NATO. The M&S Services Branch began conceptual work in Wargaming and Simulation integration to connect WISDOM and a simulation system. In 2023, the Branch will continue to improve its wargaming knowledge and technology and participate in the Multi-Domain Operations Wargame.


M&S as a Service (MSaaS) is a concept that enables an ecosystem that will supply and provide improved services to discover, compose and execute required simulation environments, using cloud-based computing. MASTER is an MSaaS environment for orchestrating both physical and virtual applications and networks, equipped with an intuitive web interface (drag & drop), capable of creating and managing dynamic deployment environments for simulation products and services and was employed as an M&S tool during CWIX 2022 as a cloud Server Node. 

Electromagnetic Spectrum Operations (EMSO) project is an essential element to conduct future military operations. The MSCOE conducted a project to create a synthetic environment for the virtualization of the EMSO. The MSCOE will continue to work on the Electromagnetic Layer for Multi-domain Operations (ELMO), building electromagnetic multi-domain virtual scenarios to produce a proof-of-concept implementation and multi-level integration of M&S processes. The Centre worked on the SWORDOM (SWORD - WISDOM) project, an Integrated Synthetic Environment between two tools, WISDOM and MASA SWORD to enable digital traditional wargaming activities.

Moving forward, the Branch will develop a conceptual framework (proof of concept) to explore possible solutions to improve decision making, Training and Wargaming in the CBRN field, defining a CBRN layer in a synthetic environment.


The Doctrine, Education & Training (DET) Branch is responsible for conducting the Centre’s courses on M&S, Quality Assurance, and Professional Development. In 2022, DET conducted four NATO approved courses on M&S to include two iterations of the NATO M&S Basic Course (virtual), which provides basic education on M&S and how it is used in the NATO Alliance. The DET Branch will continue to conduct two iterations virtually. The NATO Exercise Support, M&S Integration Specialist Course is a course to prepare technicians to integrate command & control systems with simulation systems used in a NATO exercise. The NATO CAX Specialist Certification Course trains NATO personnel on the systems they will use as part of a response cell of a NATO exercise. This course decreases the amount of time needed for pre-exercise training and continues to grow in popularity. The M&S courses provide education and training from beginners to advanced practitioners and supported over 150 students from over 20 nations.


The MSCOE also executes the NATO Computer Assisted Analysis, Exercise and Experimentation (CA2X2) Forum, an event that brings together the M&S community of interest to present current and future projects. The CA2X2 Forum hosted over 450 registered participants from more than 35 nations while presenting more than 70 sessions related to M&S. Lastly, the MSCOE also executes the Modelling and Simulation for Autonomous Systems (MESAS) conference in conjunction with the Czech University of Defence bringing this niche community together to advance their projects.

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QA Forum participation
Accreditation validity
Accreditation status
Unconditional accreditation