The Centre combines skills and expertise from more than 70 personnel from fourteen nations in the areas of CBRN concept, doctrine and standards, capabilities development, defence planning, experimentation, education and training, lessons learned, modelling & simulation and operations support; acts as a NATO Department Head for WMD/CBRN defence training and education; and acts as EU Military Training Discipline Leader for WMD CBRND. The Centre forms the core of the NATO CBRN reach back capability providing timely, coordinated, authoritative and detailed technical and scientific support. In addition, the Centre is expanding outreach efforts beyond a purely military focus to civil military, EU, other international organizations, academia and industry.
The JCBRN COE’s educational pillar is being implemented by the Education, Training and Evaluation Department (ETED) which supports the Education and Training (E&T) in the CBRN Defence area. The ETED develops events in support of the Education and Individual Training as well as Collective Training and Exercises.
As for the Education and Individual Training, the ETED plans, organises, conducts and hosts highly specialised courses (NATO approved courses and NATO listed courses), as well as training events for CBRN specialists. The ETED also provides Mobile Training Solutions (MTS) on request. The Quality Assurance (QA) mechanisms are being applied during all events organised by the JCBRN Defence COE.
The JCBRN Defence COE conducts the Department Head (DH) functionalities for the Weapons of Mass Destruction/Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence (WMD/CBRND) E&T Discipline. The ETED manages the Discipline Alignment Plan (DAP), the WMD/CBRND Annual Discipline Conference and other supportive workshops.
The ETED chairs the Training and Exercise Panel (TEP) under the Joint CBRN Defence Capability Development Group (CDG).