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QA Forum 24 Official Poster

The NATO Quality Assurance (QA) Forum 2024 is set to take place on October 8-9 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, hosted by the Peace Support Operations Training Centre (PSOTC). This annual event serves as a key venue for advancing excellence in education and training (E&T) across the Alliance, with this year's agenda focusing on key trends, innovations, and the future of quality assurance in NATO’s learning environment. 

Key Topics on the Agenda 

The event will begin with introductory remarks from PSOTC Commandant LTC Damir Alibasic and Rear Admiral (UH) Placido Torresi, Deputy Chief of Staff of the Multi-Domain Force Development Directorate. This will be followed by introducing newcomers, including the NATO Security Force Assistance Centre of Excellence (NSFA COE) and the National Defence Academy of Georgia (NDA).

  • 2024 Programme of Work review: Attendees will be briefed about the recent reorganization of Joint Force Directorate into the Multi-Domain Force Development Directorate and the upcoming update of the Bi-SC Directive 075-007 on Education and Individual Training, alongside a look ahead to the upcoming QA Forums planned for 2025 (Helsinki, Finland) and 2026 (EOD COE, Bratislava), and additionally seeking volunteering institutions willing to host this event for 2027. 

  • Best Practices and Lessons Identified: The Nordic Centre for Gender in Military Operations (NCGM), Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCD COE), and Italian Joint Air Operations School (ITA JAOS) will share innovative QA best practices, including student tracking tools, quality action plans, and strategies for integrating resilience and multi-domain operations into training programs. 

  • Final Coordination for 2025: The forum will focus on aligning the agendas of accredited and newcomer Education and Training Facilities (ETFs) due for (re)accreditation, ensuring they agree upon the tentative on-site visit schedule, as well as addressing any potential residual challenges that could impact other NATO QA Programme activities.

  • Workshops on using Artificial Intelligence in QA and NATO Course Certification: A series of syndicate workshops will explore the use of Artificial Intelligence, automation tools to enhance QA/QM processes, and NATO Course Certification workflow, followed by collaborative feedback sessions. 

    Looking Ahead On the second day, the forum will introduce the current capabilities of the QA Hub web platform, including a preview of the newly created "Introduction to Quality Assurance in Education and Individual Training" online course. Other highlights include a briefing on NATO Course Certification (NCC) processes and updates about the eITEP platform, which ensures the efficient management of training across the Alliance. 

With a diverse agenda and a focus on future challenges, the 2024 NATO QA Forum promises to significantly influence the future direction of Quality Assurance within NATO’s education and training framework, ultimately contributing to the collective goal of enhancing the Alliance's interoperability.

For a fully detailed agenda click this link. (you must be a logged in user to view the document).



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