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Murmattweg 6, CH-6000 Luzern 30, Switzerland
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The Swiss Armed Forces College AFC is recognised as the main provider of leadership and staff training for conscript officers from unit level up and for Swiss Armed Forces career officers and NCOs. As the centre of excellence for military leadership training and military science research, the Armed Forces College offers its services mainly to the military, in partnership with National Security Cooperation organisations and civilian educational institutions.

The Swiss Armed Forces College AFC is composed of:

Command and Staff Officer School CSOS
The Command and Staff Officer School provides military leadership training for prospective company and battalion commanders and their staff assistants, and also conducts specific courses for assistants of major units. Every year more than 2,000 participants from all of the Swiss military’s forces and service branches may choose from over 60 training courses.

General Staff School GSS
The GSS primarily provides General Staff officers in the Swiss Armed Forces with training courses. Staff members (up to brigade level) and classes can be intensively trained in operational command on the command and control simulator. The GSS also develops operational- tactical regulations.

The Military Academy (MILAC) at ETH Zurich
The MILAC at ETH Zurich is the training institution for the Swiss Armed Forces‘ career officers. The Military Academy trains career officers on a practical basis and prepares them for their duties. It is an internationally renowned centre of excellence for military science with six departments: leadership and communication, military history, military economics, military psychology and pedagogics, military sociology, and strategic studies.

The Armed Forces Professional NCO School (NCOS)
The Armed Forces Professional NCO School is responsible for training NCOs from all service branches of the Swiss Armed Forces. The twoyear basic training course (BTC) provides NCOs with the skills they need to teach and lead successfully at recruit and officers schools. Advanced study courses (ASCs) prepare experienced NCOs for their new tasks. Every year, a considerable number of military personnel and civilians attend advanced training courses (ATCs) at the Armed Forces Professional NCO School, which is also responsible for the international leadership courses offered to NCOs from Partnership for Peace (PfP) and NATO member countries.

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QA Forum participation
Accreditation validity
Accreditation status
Unconditional accreditation

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