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Pionierkaserne auf der Schanz, Manchinger Strasse 1, 85053, Ingolstadt, Germany
CET/CEST - GMT +1/ +2
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MILENG COE is a permanently established fulltime organization dedicated to NATO Military Engineering. Resourced with MILENG Subject Matter Experts covering the spectrum of  the NATO MILENG Function the MILENG COE provides the conscience of MILENG within NATO. Working closely with the NATO Command and Force Structures the organization is dedicated to enhance interoperability and deliver the required benefits to our 17 Sponsor Nations and NATO.

The MILENG COE is to enable the development of Sponsor Nations’ and Alliance Military Engineering capability and interoperability, in order to enhance the effectiveness of Military Engineering support to NATO operations and exercises. This is delivered by leading NATO MILENG policy, concepts and doctrine developments and delivering a broad spectrum of courses through our NATO accredited Education and Training Facility. Thus, enhancing the Alliance’s Military Engineering capability and interoperability.

Who we are / What we do

The Military Engineering Centre of Excellence facilitates interoperability and standardisation within NATO’s Military  Engineering community. We achieve this via:

  • Being the focus for NATO MILENG Doctrine development and assisting NATO in Concept and Policy development;
  • Providing a hub for MILENG information and lessons exchange;
  • Coordinating multi-national MILENG projects and experimentation on behalf of NATO;
  • Delivering individual MILENG interoperability training to NATO staff and nations;
  • Facilitating MILENG engagement within NATO.

The MILENG COE is the Department Head for MILENG Training and Education within NATO and is also a NATO Accredited Education and Training Facility. It has a leading role as the working body for the NATO MILENG Working Group. The MILENG COE acts as custodian of Military Engineering related policies and doctrine, and provides essential SME support to staff ACT, ACO, NATO-HQ’s, nations and numerous Standardisation Working Groups in regards with Military Engineering.

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Accreditation status
Unconditional accreditation

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