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ISTC, Kasernenstr. 20, 88630 Pfullendorf, Germany
CET/CEST - GMT +1/ +2
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The International Special Training Centre (ISTC)—in one form or another—has been training Special Operations Forces (SOF) since 1979.  Over its four decades in existence, ISTC has continuously evolved to incorporate the ever-changing nature of special operations to maintain relevance and to provide value to the SOF community.

As a small footprint organization with outsized impacts, ISTC accomplishes its mission with an international staff of fifty one (51) personnel.  In its present form, ISTC membership is composed of personnel from Germany, the United States, Italy, Greece, Belgium, The Netherlands, Norway, Turkey, and Romania—all who continue to represent the legacy, success, and spirt of international cooperation by building the same international bonds which underpinned the birth and history of the organization.

As a joint combined Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) organization with nine member nations, ISTC is unique in that the organization works for the member nations themselves—while also addressing the strategic objectives from a variety of stakeholders.

Ultimately, ISTC takes its guidance and direction from the ISTC Working Group (composed of member nation senior representatives) while simultaneously aligning our education and training standards with the requirements and standards of the NATO Special Operations Discipline.

In recognition of ISTC’s alignment with NATO quality standards, ISTC was evaluated and is certified with unconditional institutional accreditation by NATO.  Under this framework, the ISTC provides high quality specialized tactical training for Special Operations Forces (SOF) and similar units in order to increase capability, capacity, and interoperability among the nine signatory nations—as well as other NATO Allies and Partners.

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QA Forum participation
Accreditation validity
Accreditation status
Unconditional accreditation

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