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P.O.BOX 7, FI-00861 HELSINKI, FINLAND, Santahaminantie 2, Helsinki
EET/EEST - GMT +2/ +3
Department Head for
Military Contribution to Peace Support |
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The Finnish Defence Forces International Centre FINCENT is a nationally and internationally acknowledged centre of expertise in military crisis management. The main task of FINCENT is to organise military crisis management training for command and expert personnel in crisis management operations led by NATO, United Nations, European Union and African Union. FINCENT also develops training solutions for NATO and its partners.

FINCENT was founded in 1969 as the first UN peacekeeping training centre in the world. Since then, FINCENT has been at the top of military crisis managemenet training and action, and is constantly striving to develop and improve its activities in the ever-changing world. The Center`s vision is to be the forerunner and expert in crisis management education and training, producing certified training solutions related to comprehensive crisis management.

The main functions of FINCENT:

  • Conduct courses and training events in military crisis management in cooperation with Nordic Defence Cooperation NORDEFCO, UN, AU, EU and NATO and NATO Partnership programmes;
  • Work as a Department Head for NATO Military Contribution to Peace Support and coordinate education and training offered to NATO by different institutions;
  • Act as national Operational Capabilities Concept Evaluation & Feedback Centre of Excellence;
  • Administrate dispatching of Finnish students and instructors to courses abroad;
  • Cooperate with international and national civilian and military partner organizations;
  • Support Finnish civilian crisis management efforts;
  • Participate in research activities.

Since 2015 FINCENT has been part of the Finnish National Defence University.

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QA Forum participation
Accreditation validity
Accreditation status
Unconditional accreditation
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