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Römerstrasse 122, Von-Seydlitz-Kaserne, 47546 Kalkar, Germany
CET/CEST - GMT +1/ +2
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The DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center was established mid-2013, following the experiences made during NATO Operation Unified Protector and the German Air Force's commitment to the NATO Response Force 2012. It continuously adjusts its course contents to reflect the latest lessons learned from current operations and incorporate the latest NATO standards and doctrines.

The DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center is responsible for the promotion of Air Command and Control (AirC2Air Command and Control) skills amongst the German Armed Forces and its partners. As an education and training facility contributing to NATO, we provide high quality training to meet the alliance's quantitative and qualitative targets in the field of AirC2Air Command and Control.

The DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center constantly implements new areas of knowledge that expand the spectrum of AirC2Air Command and Control in order to make these available in form of new lessons or additional training courses . 

To strengthen the multinational visibility the close cooperation to Deployable Air Command and Control Centre  (DACCC Deployable Air Command and Control Centre) and Air Operation Centre of Excellence (AO CoEAir Operation Centre of Excellence) as well as the coordination with other international command posts and comparable entities is our special focus . The awareness about the DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center shall be further increased through the participation in multinational symposia , meetings and conferences.

DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center offers courses, modules and seminars to address all relevant aspects on the orchestration of AirC2Air Command and Control. For this purpose, all training courses are based on NATO standards and offered to all NATO and partner nations military personnel. Course participants learn how their actions may contribute to the successful conduct of a joint campaign. Workload permitting, DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center also offers local support through Mobile Training Teams (MTT).

The DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center cooperates with the other AirC2Air Command and Control training facilities, i.e. Deployable Air Command and Control Centre (DACCCDeployable Air Command and Control Centre) in Poggio Renatico, Italy and Air Operation Centre of Excellence (AO CoEAir Operation Centre of Excellence) in Lyon, France. Standardization and harmonization of training contents ensure a common training level.

DEU AirC2 TCGerman Air Command and Control Training Center offers its excellence to all interested partner nations free of any course fees.

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Unconditional accreditation

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