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20 Daniel Chonkadze str., Tbilisi, Georgia
GET/GEST - GMT +4/ +5
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The DIBS fosters the professional and institutional development of the Georgian Ministry of Defence (MOD), promotes a common understanding of security and defence policy across the government and civil society, and tries to enhance cooperation between Georgia’s security sector, regional countries, and NATO allies and partners.

The DIBS fosters the professional and institutional development of the Georgian Ministry of Defense (MOD), promotes a common understanding of security and defence policy across government and civil society, and improves cooperation between Georgia’s security sector, regional countries NATO Allies and partners.

The DIBS is able to apply a comprehensive approach in close collaboration with NATO, EU and partner countries to effectively respond to the security challenges on the national and regional level through capacity building, learning and development activities.

DIBS Achievements:
DIBS has received NATO institutional unconditional accreditation for 6 years.
DIBS has become an Associated Network Member of the European Security and Defence College (ESDC)
DIBS is planning to develop its analytical capacity and collaborate with NATO and the EU for implementing policies in the region.

DIBS is intent on contributing to the ongoing reform of the Georgian security sector in four key areas:

Governance in the Security Sector – The activities delivered by DIBS are aimed at enhancing the expertise and professionalism of the senior executive officials, representing the MOD and the security sector, in order to augment the quality of governance and management in a wider security domain. In this respect, special prominence is given to increasing integrity, accountability, and transparency, and fostering the prevention of corruption risks.

Defence and Security Policy - The School provides a forum for discussions and information exchange, in order to develop a holistic understanding of security and defence policy among the Georgian MOD personnel, other government agencies, and civil society.

Inter-Agency Cooperation - DIBS fosters better cooperation among the government agencies representing Georgia’s security sector, in particular the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and the Security Council, by providing them with the space and opportunities for sharing information, networking, and cooperation.

National and International Cooperation - State security is a joint responsibility for the whole nation to bear. Therefore, the school provides a platform for discussions around defence security issues, and it commensurately engages the security service agencies and the representatives of the civil society (academic domain, experts, teachers, and media representatives).

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QA Forum participation
Accreditation validity
Accreditation status
Unconditional accreditation